No one who works at the Ranch expects this to be a lucrative career--that's not why we get up in the morning. But we do recognize the need to earn a living that provides basic resources. . As a small business that routinely puts people and planet above profits, providing for all our team members financially has been a challenge. So we've looked toward permaculture design to inspire us, turn problems into opportunities, , and use nature as our model to find creative financial solutions.
Reflections on 15 years of Rancho Mastatal: Third Trimester Newsletter 2015
Newsletter: Second Trimester 2015
By moving to a trimester format for our newsletter, we're able to take advantage of a faster Internet connection while visiting family and friends in the States to get 2 of our 3 newsletters prepared and sent to everyone. We expect this to reduce a bit of stress while saving time and increasing the quality of this publication. The entire core team currently finds themselves away from the Ranch working in temperate climates and reconnecting with family and friends. SCOTT and NIC will be the first to return to Mastatal in early November to run a large group focused on skills building with a new project called Winterline . This will be our first time working with this organization and we're hoping to develop a long-term relationship as our objectives align quite well