Apprenticeship in Sustainable Living
Permaculture, Natural Building, & Homesteading
Interested apprentices should thoroughly read the following Program Overview and the full 2024 Apprenticeship Description found in the links below. Specific information about expectations, work, costs, what to bring, start dates, etc. are described in-depth below and in the linked documents (updated at the end each year).
Educational Curriculum and Values
If you are still interested in our program after reading this page and the linked documents, please complete the Online Apprenticeship Application. Once we have received and reviewed your application we will let you know if we would like to set up a phone interview with you.
Check out our 2024 Apprentice Team
Our 2025 Apprenticeship is currently full. We are currently conducting interviews for our 2026 Apprentice Team.
For a shorter program opportunity, consider applying to our Internship Program.

2025 Program Overview
Participants in Rancho Mastatal's Apprenticeship in Sustainable Living live and work with amazing people at the Ranch and in the small community Mastatal. Apprentices make lifelong friends, participating in a style of living that oftentimes changes them forever. This experience offers the unique opportunity to become a part of the magic and beauty of a remote area of Costa Rica, while simultaneously learning tangible skills to take back home.
Our goals for this program are to:
empower individuals who are genuinely interested in creating a more sustainable world.
Use experiential and progressive learning techniques combined with daily practice to build a variety of skills.
Inspire and enable individuals to continue to develop creative solutions and generate positive social change and sustainable practices in their own lives and communities after they leave.
Prepare a group of capable individuals to help manage and caretake the Ranch during our Core Team’s absence (two to three months of the year).
We currently offer 5-7 positions for our year-long apprenticeship. The cost of our 2026 program is $8,000 and includes all meals, lodging, a Wilderness First Responder certification, a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) certification, and extensive training in Natural Building and Homesteading as outlined in the Apprenticeship description links above.
Dates and Instruction
2026 Start Date: Monday, February 9 (arrival date Saturday, February 7 with Sunday, February 6 as a rest day)
2026 End Date: Thursday, December 10 (departure date Friday, December 11)
We strongly encourage applicants who are serious about our work and are motivated to be part of our industrious team, working towards solutions for current environmental and social challenges. We offer a unique and focused program based on experiential education and practical skill-building. Our apprenticeship offers specific instruction, course work, and/or project-based learning opportunities in the fields of permaculture, natural building, and homesteading skills.
For much more information please go to the full apprenticeship description at the three links that follow :