
Hannah Knudson

As a Phoenix native I have spent a majority of my life in the Sonoran desert. I have always found solace in nature and my passion for caring for the earth has grown out of that. I have deep ties to my community in Arizona and my life course is continually shaped by my experiences there.  After obtaining a degree in Social Work and working various years in the field it became very clear to me that so many of the systemic issues that my own community and so many others face are rooted in limited access and education about the natural world. It was at our urban community farm where I began to see a different path to social justice, one that began in the soil. Since then it has been my passion to combine social work and agriculture as a framework to create sustainable change.  Now with a new degree in Sustainable agriculture I have the ability to do just that. The passion for both the fields is what has drawn me to Rancho Mastatal. 

I have a love and drive for traveling and adventure and this has taken me to many parts of Latin America. Through that Costa Rica quickly came to hold a special place in my heart. I have a deep love and connection to this magical country. It was the first place I traveled to alone and was where I grew a deeper understanding of the importance on a global scale of being a good steward of the earth. One of my long-term dreams is having space to live a life in deep connection with my community and with the earth and I am excited to join the Rancho team who already live out these values.