
Abbey cmiel

I feel most alive when admiring the intricate petals of a flower, teaching a yoga class for friends, digging my toes in the soil while weeding, or cooking a meal with fresh-from-the-garden veggies for people I love. More and more, I see the only way forward is to connect to community and develop deep relationships with one another and the Earth. 

I graduated from University of North Carolina in 2019 with a major in Global Studies and a focus on Latin American political movements. Throughout college, I learned from my peers and professors about the history of social, racial, and ecological justice and dove into food, housing, education, and environmental advocacy. Most formatively, I spent two summers in Colombia working with small-scale farmers with integrated rainforest systems. I learned to savor the sweet taste of fresh picked mandarins, the cool breezes of the morning mist, and the joy of afternoon coffee with friends. Working on the stunning farms taught me how important protecting the natural world is not only to our survival, but to our daily happiness. 

I have since apprenticed at the Eco Institute in Chapel Hill, NC and the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center in Occidental, CA. Each internship has strengthened my love and knowledge of working with plants, people and the natural world. I am passionate about herbalism, cooking delicious meals, wildcrafting, painting, and learning and sharing ideas every chance I get. 

If the human project is to continue, we must learn to radically respect and work with the water, land, plants, and beings that feed, clothe, shelter, and inspire us. I plan to continue using healing and activism practices, such as farming, yoga, protest, and art to shape a world where all of us can thrive, and can’t wait to learn from the many adventures in learning at Rancho Mastatal!