
constantin demuth

Hello, I was born and raised in Berlin, Germany but left soon after I graduated from High School. I went travelling to India and Nepal, continued in South East Asia and realized that the life away from home does good to me. I moved to the Netherlands, where I studied Human Geography and Planning. Now I have graduated, still super keen to learn but not in the academic sense of learning. This (and some random clicks in the internet) brought me to Rancho Mastatal, where it feels like my dream is coming true.

A big part of my thoughts and desires surround the question of providing good, clean and healthy living circumstances and resources to the ever-increasing number of us on this planet. Instead of trying to change the world upside down I truly believe nature has provided us with the all the tools necessary to solve these issues, it is up to us to learn, understand and appreciate the bounty of goods we are surrounded by.

I realize more and more that living in cities makes it difficult to comprehend these opportunities (I very much include myself here). At Rancho Mastatal I will put all my focus on realizing these opportunities, understanding the processes behind them, add tools to my little toolbox and then continue my journey: Preventing more damage from happening and creating more chances to grow; together as a society, the rural and the urban side by side.