Hello! My name is Allura and I grew up on the “island” of Cape Cod where I was raised homeschooled and blessed to have the forest as one of my greatest teachers, library, and playground. Through my connection with the plant and animal kingdom I have always been drawn to the elements of living sustainably and honoring the earth. A deep joy of mine is reflecting the beauty of the world that surrounds us through art and movement- most specifically creative writing, watercolor painting and yoga practicing and teaching.

Most of my work these days involves being in nature or with children. I have been a naturalist hiking guide for kids along with a workshop leader for them in the realm of yoga. I currently work as an assistant guide at a Montessori preschool and spend my weekends on an organic farm where I am the “seed” girl— I like to help things grow! Other interests of mine include, permaculture/indigenous agriculture (of course, and all things in the realm of sustainable living found in this apprenticeship) herbalism, reading, music & the creation of it in circle, hiking and travel.

I am so thrilled to be diving deep into this learning journey with all of you!!! Thank you!